

dispatch: sniffle, snort & sneeze

The little vector has passed her cold on, and it seems to be hitting me harder than husband (as usual). But with the cleaner coming, we had to leave the house for a few hours yesterday. Then baby's fussing got too disruptive for Starbucks and we took off to the playground. She was asleep in the stroller by the time we got there, and I felt so ill I could hardly sit up, so I lay down on a park bench in the shade. The playground was empty, so I figured it wouldn't be too weird. Then the shade got too cold, so I moved over to a bench in the sun, balancing the newspaper over my head to block out the brightness.

I woke to find a nanny standing over me with a concerned look on her face. I think I kind of freaked her out. But--given the "sleep when the baby sleeps" policy I've chosen to follow--shouldn't it be ok to nap on a park bench? Or, indeed, anywhere?

Anyway, with the festival of puking and diaper explosion that followed later, I was glad to have had the nap.

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