

and gullible is not in the dictionary

On the flight home from the quiz tournament, I wound down from all the excitement by working the Sunday crossword. Then I noticed that the overhead screens on the plane were broadcasting puzzles and trivia questions from the board game Cranium. They were all simple enough, until I got to the one that asked something like, "true or false: any month that begins on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th." I thought about it for a moment, and figured it had to be true. if the 1st is a Sunday, the 13th must be a Friday, right? Well, the answer came up: "false."

I obsessed about this for the rest of plane ride. How can that be false? It just doesn't make sense. Did I read the question wrong? Forget to figure in something about leap years? Am I just not as smart as I think I am?

Anyhow, I came home and forgot about it until today, when I looked up Friday the 13th on Wikipedia: "All months whose first day falls on a Sunday will contain a Friday the 13th."

So, if we can believe the wiki-ers, then it seems like the digital media error plague has now spread to in-flight entertainment, too.

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