

britney and motherhood

Today brings news that Britney Spears almost dropped her baby while carrying him and a glass of water out of the Ritz Carlton on Central Park South. This comes, of course, in the wake of other incidents when (1) she held the baby on her lap while she was driving her car; (2) he fell from a broken high chair and fractured his skull; and (3) she drove with his carseat facing the wrong way.


I think we should give her a break on this new one. (And not only because I once spent 4 months living in that hotel and I know how depressing it can be.) From the visual evidence, this case seems to have been overblown (see pix at Sky, via Gawker). But even more so, moms who will admit it will tell you that they've had their "almosts," too. It comes with the territory. Before I was pregnant, a friend of mine explained that motherhood is all about learning to carry many things at once: the baby, the folded-up stroller, and the groceries, for example. Or, the baby, the diaper bag, the bottle pack, and the umbrella.

This has held true, but perhaps even more so, I believe that motherhood is about improvisation, not perfection. Like: During allergy season, using the burp rags as handkerchiefs, and then wiping baby's face with the edge of your t-shirt. When the bibs are all in the laundry, draping a dishcloth over the baby instead. When the baby towels are all in the laundry, wrap her in an old swaddling blanket when she comes out of the bath. Nothing in the house for lunch, and you can't bear the thought of getting you and baby out of the house to find something? A generous spoonful of peanut butter, right from the jar, will get you through.

An important caveat, however: Do not be tempted to use the baby's play mirror to apply your makeup. This way madness lies.

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