

on the other hand, some dropped letters are funny!

After complaining about the typo in the New York Times crossword puzzle, I was surprisingly delighted to see this one. It's exhibit 7 from Green v. Haskell County, the case the ACLU is bringing in Oklahoma protesting a Ten Commandments statue on a courthouse lawn. If you look closely--or click on the photo--you can see, carved into stone, that the seventh commandment bans "adultry."

The judge is expected to rule on this case soon. Meanwhile, here's what the county commissioners had to say about their decision to approve the monument:

“.... The good Lord died for me. I can stand for him. . . . I’m a Christian and I believe in this. I think it’s a benefit for this community.”

“In fact, I think there needs to be more of them [monuments with the Ten Commandments inscribed] so people can read them. We should put them in front of all of the courthouses and school houses and federal buildings. If we did, we probably wouldn’t have a lot of the bad stuff happening today.”

The decision to allow the monument “came down to siding with a majority of Christians who too often have let the minority tell them what to do."

“I believe the good Lord put [the monument with the Ten Commandments inscribed] up here.”

If that's so, all I can say is, I hope my lord is a better speller than yours is.

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