

last night's fun

Well, if you watched The Daily Show last night you know that Juliet kicked ass. That's all that needs to be said. Even Jon Stewart was impressed. (You can find a video clip on this page.)

This being the creature's blog, however, I have a few observations from my 18 hours in New York.

1/ Even if you're on the "VIP" list, you still need to wait in line. We were told to get to the Daily Show studio by 4:30, and decided to be there even earlier. Which meant we stood in line for nearly TWO HOURS--almost half of that outside in the heat.

2/ Jon Stewart is shorter than you might think, and slightly grayer, but even nicer.

3/ Warm-up comedians aren't very funny, but they are effective. In this case, the guy revved up the audience by making us clap, and yell, louder and louder. He also made jokes about a few of the 216 people there. Including me. (Why do you think he said I looked like a grad student? And should I take it as a compliment?)

4/ Stewart's people are very, very good at their jobs. The taping was extraordinarily smooth--we had expected to see retakes, or at least a flubbed line, but they just ran straight through.

5/ Rob Corddry: Closer than you think. You know when he's "reporting from Baghdad" or whatnot but he's obviously in a studio in front of a blank screen? Well, he's actually standing in front of a screen right next to Stewart's desk.

6/ Juliet kicked ass. And thanks to the swag bag they gave her, she now has enough Altoids to last the rest of her life.

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