

slowly but surely i am returning to normal

There was a time not so long ago when I would often read a book a day, sometimes two. This was during a period when (1) work was particularly light, (2) I had terrible insomnia, and (3) baby had not yet come on the scene. When I got pregnant, I had the insomnia, but was literally unable to read anything that wasn't a book about pregnancy. Literally. The smell of magazine print made me sick, I couldn't follow novels, and anything upsetting was, well, too upsetting. I believe that during this period I read 35 books about pregnancy, plus many, many pages of pregnancy-related websites.

A lot of parents of young children will tell you that they don't have time to read novels, but maybe that's because they have jobs? I dunno, but lately I've been reading again. Not as furiously as I once did, but fairly seriously. One thing I'm trying to do is to catch up on the books I've been meaning to get to. Plus I'm doing a little book reviewing. So--perhaps as a bit of incentive, perhaps as a bit of showing off--I am now going to start keeping a list of the books I read. It will begin, at least, on the left hand side of this blog. See it over there? Yeah, that thing, over there.

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