baby steps
The Georgetown DMV: It looks like a regular DMV, it smells like a regular DMV, it's in the basement of a crappy mall and is run by a rather gruff woman with way too much work for the number of staff members she supervises.
And yet: I have my new learner's permit, and it took little over an hour. I'm even in a good mood!
While I don't quite have the energy to explain why I even need a learner's permit (it has to do with a bizarre upbringing plus failures of DC bureaucracy), suffice it to say that this is an accomplishment. And now I'm one step closer to being able to drive myself to the craft store whenever I want!
And yet: I have my new learner's permit, and it took little over an hour. I'm even in a good mood!
While I don't quite have the energy to explain why I even need a learner's permit (it has to do with a bizarre upbringing plus failures of DC bureaucracy), suffice it to say that this is an accomplishment. And now I'm one step closer to being able to drive myself to the craft store whenever I want!