

family values

While creature normally tries to avoid politics-blogging, it's hard to ignore that big elections are just 3 weeks away -- and it's no less true for being a cliche that these elections will help determine what kind of world baby grows up in. Anyway, with that in mind, and by way of monitoring the opposition, we came upon an article in which the National ("Why don't you get William F. Buckley to kill the spider?") Review asked a set of Republican luminaries what the Republicans need to do to pull the game out of fire.

Providing what is doubtless meant to be advice to help regain the soccer/security/mortgage Mom vote, Lisa Schiffren provides the appropriate analogy --

As a parent I’ve learned that sometimes punishing a child who deserves it will cost me more than it will teach her. That’s a judgment call. Passionately exhort your constituents to exercise such judgment.

So: the party that promised us that the grown-ups would be in charge is more like the baby who likes to eat Daddy's DVD equipment. But rather than dwell on this logic, we ask instead whether Lisa Schiffren is fit to be dispensing sensible mom prescriptions in the first place. Through the miracle of the Internet, cast your mind back to George Bush's "flight" onto an aircraft carrier in May 2003, with that Mission Accomplished banner, and to the gushing scribe who wrote --

I had the most astonishing thought last Thursday. After a long day of hauling the kids to playdates and ballet, I turned on the news. And there was the president, landing on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln, stepping out of a fighter jet in that amazing uniform, looking--how to put it?--really hot. Also presidential, of course. Not to mention credible as commander in chief. But mostly "hot," as in virile, sexy and powerful ...I decided to run a reality check among the soccer moms I spend my days with. At my daughter's East Side school, my friend Emily, a mother of two and probably a liberal, examined the picture of the president in his fly-boy gear that I just happened to have in my purse. She looked carefully, grinned and said, "He's a hottie. No doubt about it. Really a hottie. Why haven't I noticed this before? He looks so much better than Michael Douglas in that movie we saw," comparing the tired, indifferent megastar of "The American President" to the totally present leader of the free world.

And it goes on like that. And who would this gushing scribe be? Why none other than the one who watched her "hottie" turn into a bold little boy, Lisa Schiffren!

[as creature continues to recover from the baby-vectored cold, this post again written by husband of creature]

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