

i'm not proud of this

Earlier this week, baby's doctor announced that we are to go cold turkey on the bottle. Well, we could still do one at night, she allowed, but at 15 months she said it was high time to give them up.

Baby disagrees.

However, husband and I decided to comply, even though it feels like unbridled sadism and it means several hours a day of complaint (which is sort of like unbridled masochism, I suppose). And we'd been spared a battle over the pacifier, since she'd weaned herself off them before we even noticed.

Still, the worst moments are brutal. Today at play class, some of the other moms were commiserating with me, and sharing their own stories. Then Mrs. Fussy Smugalot (not her real name) primly announced that she had called a halt to the bottle at 14 months. Someone else asked how many days of hard going they had before her daughter got used to it. "Oh, no, she's good. It was fine right away," she smirked.

Harumph. Well, fine. Some kids walk early (smirk) and begin sleeping through the night early (smirk, smirk), and others whine incessantly for their bottle even after 14 months, and that's just the way the world works. Normally I don't let the likes of Mrs. S get to me, but the lack of sleep from last night's cryfest plus the misery of the day before had worn me down.

That is, until we were all packing up to leave, and there was Baby Smugalot, tucked into her stroller, sucking on a big ol' multicolor pacifier.

Smirk, smirk.

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