

tree at last?

There is a Christmas treelet--two-and-a-half feet tall at its highest point--here at RC HQ, and I have mixed feelings about it. It's only here for the visiting cousins, who come by it naturally, and it was purchased at the Whole Foods, but it has the feeling of a slippery slope about it.

Also, there is a mini-creche on the bookcase. (The Irish visitors call it a "crib," and they call Baby's crib a "cot," and their "creche" is a daycare center. Follow?)

To the miniature Waterford crystal dove and maid-a-milking already on the tree I have added my own ornaments (a Grinch, from a preview showing of the Jim Carrey film; a small plastic lobster; a Homer Simpson action figure--in his Stonecutters outfit). I guess I'm trying to secular it up a little. And I am sort of counting on Baby not to remember that we had a tree this year, so that by the time we figure out our tree policy she hasn't already copped on that she could demand one, by right of her half-Catholicism.

For that, I guess we can wait until she's a teenager.

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