

baby's first existential angst, or, death of a snowman

I suppose I should have thought this through in advance. But the snow was so perfectly packable, and i had a carrot and raisins at the ready, and really I guess I was fulfilling my own childhood fantasy about what a perfect snowman should look like. In any event, it stopped snowing, and started raining, and we looked out the window and noticed that the snowman's head had started to tilt to one side. That's when baby began her slow chant of "uh oh!" She stood watch at the window, pointing, chanting, sad-faced, while I explained to her about how snow melts, and snowmen melt, and that's why we get to build a new one every time it snows. And how we should say "bye bye" to the snowman (whose head had by now fallen off completely).

I don't think she bought it.

But baby angst being what it is, ten minutes later she is telling silly stories (in her language, we don't actually understand them but they seem to have punchlines) and giggling and rolling around on the sofa. I think I'm forgiven.

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