

the woo-hoo people

It may have been in high school that I first noticed them, but by college I was not able to avoid them: People who shout "woo-hoo!" at parties.

Not only have I never done this, I'm not even sure when or why someone would choose to do it. And yet, my current neighborhood is home to many woo-hooers, including the people next door who are doing it right now.

I think these may be the kind of people who use "party" as a verb. Which I also could never understand: What actually happens when one "parties"? It seems like it's just drinking and listening to bad music and having really boring conversations peppered with the "woo hoos." I used to believe, sincerely, that I just didn't understand, and that there was something going on at these parties that I was missing. Or something I was doing wrong, because sometimes I did "party," I suppose, and I was painfully bored, standing in the crush of bodies, having uncomfortable, banal conversations and drinking rancid beer.

So where does the "woo hoo" come from? It predates the ubiquitous Blur song. Any word freaks want to take a crack at this one?

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