

super mom

Mornings are not my time. They never have been. And I've been blessed with a child who often respects this, sleeping until 8 or 9. So consider that this morning--a Saturday morning--I was out of the house by 8:30, walking over to the local rec center to sign Baby up for music class. (And yes, she was still asleep.) Got there at around 8:45, half an hour before registration was set to open, but I was not first on line. Or second. I was 69th.

Two hours later, we had just barely made it into a class on the day we wanted. But I did it! And all joking aside, it means a lot that I am not falling at this hurdle, but putting aside my own desires (for sleep) to do something important for her. It took effort, and it was worth the effort.

Plus, I got to eavesdrop on line and heard this amazing story. There was this woman who pumped 60 bottles of breastmilk (over time, of course). And then her husband left the freezer door open.

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